Netaxis make it simple to automate your services and accelerate your business growth. Sometimes you get an Eureka moment. For Archimedes it was when he over filled his bath and displaced water went all over the floor. That gave rise to the invention of the overflow and the phrase Eureka. Presumably Eureka means something in Ancient Greek.
Netaxis has been busy filling baths in the telco world for over ten years now. In fact this is our eleventh year in business. During that time we have worked with many telco customers on a wide variety of interesting projects. Our thoughts about what we do for our customers have evolved over time.
We began by being their technical advisor when it came to integrating solutions based on Session Border controllers and BroadWorks Applications Servers. Then we started developing software based on customer requests. Our mantra was a simple one “We simplify things for our customers”. Everything we did we tried to make it simple.
As we grew up and our products started to become widely adopted the ‘simplify” strapline not only had to be reinforced because it needed to be easy to use our software in tandem with more and more third party solutions. Because of this the adoption of APIs was an easy decision.
The use of APIs was driven by our API Orchestrator that allowed us to easily generate business logic that customers would then use to connect various network and IT elements into a cohesive system. We found that what we had done enabled customers to automate their own processes. This made life even simpler for them and that automation really was where it is at.

The introduction of simplification and automation had the knock on effect of accelerating business growth by cutting costs and making it easier to sign up new customers.
That was our Eureka moment. The moment that we realised that what we do for our customers is to Simplify, Automate and Accelerate their business.
We hereby offer three real world examples of how this works with Netaxis.
Telcos working with Cisco BroadWorks will know the pain of having to deal with the OCI-P interface which involved having to go through multiple API calls to provision relatively simple features on the platform.
Netaxis produced a BroadWorks Connector module for APIO with a REST API that greatly simplifies the interface to BroadWorks and Automates API call generation.
The diag shows how one API call from APIO to the BroadWorks gateway replaces a number of complex calls via OCI-P and XSI to the Application Server.
Netaxis customer MTN South Africa won a high profile piece of business that required the migration of 40,000 mobile telephony customers from a competitor in one month. The project made the headlines in the South African media. MTN had a very tight window in which the 40,000 customers had to be moved across to use their services. By using the flexible workflow engine inherent in APIO MTN were able to successfully perform the migration on time by automating the processes involved.
Other network operators have successfully used APIO in similar circumstances.
Netaxis customer Telenet are part of the Liberty Global Group and use APIO in their BroadWorks solution.
This is an example of how we accelerate business success. All of the above examples in fact also show business acceleration. By making life simpler it becomes easier to add customers and accelerate your business growth.

So that’s it. Netaxis make it simple to automate your services and accelerate your business growth. Try saying it yourself. Simplify, automate, accelerate. If that sounds good you need to talk to Netaxis about how we can simplify and automate your processes and accelerate your business growth 🙂