Simplifying voice management & migration for global corporations and telecoms providers

Netaxis helps telecoms providers and global corporations migrate to cloud-based voice platforms, ensuring seamless integration & compliance.

Challenges corporates face when moving voice to the cloud:

How Netaxis Solutions supports operators and corporates with SBCaaS and SRE

In the rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape, corporations worldwide are increasingly transitioning to cloud-based solutions (UCaaS, CPaaS, CCaaS) to meet their communication needs. This shift, encompassing everything from PABX systems to sophisticated contact centers, is driven by the need for scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. However, for (international) corporations, this migration is fraught with complexities, particularly in managing voice traffic across borders, adhering to diverse regulatory environments, and also for operators ensuring seamless integration with existing systems. Netaxis Solutions emerges as a key player in simplifying this transition through its innovative platforms: SBCaaS (Session Border Controller as a Service) and SRE (Service Routing Engine).

Challenges corporations face that telecoms operators need to solve

As corporations migrate from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based solutions, they encounter several significant challenges. They select operators that can mitigate these risks. The risks include:

1. Data security and compliance risks

One of the most pressing concerns during cloud migration is ensuring the security of sensitive data. The migration process often exposes data to new vulnerabilities, requiring robust security measures to protect against breaches. Additionally, corporations must navigate complex regulatory landscapes, such as GDPR, NIS2 etc. in Europe or HIPAA in the United States, ensuring that their data handling practices comply with legal requirements across multiple jurisdictions.

2. Cost management

Predicting the total cost of cloud migration is challenging, with many organizations underestimating the associated expenses. These costs include both capital expenditures for migration and ongoing operational expenses, which can strain budgets if not accurately anticipated. Effective cost management strategies are crucial to avoid financial pitfalls during and after migration.

3. Legacy system compatibility

Many corporations (and telecoms operators) rely on legacy systems that may not be compatible with cloud environments. This incompatibility can lead to data loss or corruption during migration. To ensure a smooth transition, organizations often need to refactor their existing infrastructure or employ middleware solutions to bridge the gap between old and new systems.

4. Skills gap

Cloud migration often requires specialized skills that existing IT teams may lack. Corporations must either hire new talent with cloud expertise, invest in upskilling their current workforce or rely on operators and service providers to support them. This skills gap can slow down the migration process and pose a risk to project success.

5. Change management and resistance

Cultural resistance to change is a common challenge. Employees accustomed to traditional systems may be reluctant to adopt new cloud-based processes, leading to delays and inefficiencies. Effective change management strategies, including comprehensive communication and training programs, are essential to secure buy-in from all stakeholders.

6. Performance and reliability concerns

The reliability and performance of cloud services are critical concerns. Cloud outages can disrupt business operations, making it vital to select providers with strong service-level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee uptime and performance. Ongoing monitoring of cloud services post-migration is necessary to ensure they meet operational needs.

7. Vendor lock-In

Vendor lock-in is a significant risk, where organizations and telecoms operators become dependent on a single cloud solution provider, making it difficult to switch or migrate to alternative solutions. This can limit flexibility and increase costs over time, highlighting the importance of multi-cloud, multi-solution strategies.

The need for simplification together with Netaxis Solutions

Netaxis addresses these challenges by providing a comprehensive service that leverages SBCaaS and SRE to simplify international voice traffic management. By collaborating with local service providers while managing the complex routing and distribution of voice traffic, Netaxis supports operators to eliminate the operational complexities that corporations typically face, allowing them to focus on what truly matters, unburdening its customers.

Key benefits of Netaxis Solutions

1. Operational efficiency and cost reduction

Netaxis’s managed services significantly reduce the operational burden on service providers. Outsourcing SBC management to Netaxis can lead to savings of up to 30% on management and maintenance costs, a crucial advantage for corporations looking to optimize their expenditures during cloud migration.

2. Faster deployment and scalability

The SRE platform, included also in SBCaaS, features a user-friendly “drag and drop” service logic builder that enables rapid service deployment. This platform not only accelerates time-to-market but also supports seamless scalability. The platform is capable of handling thousands of simultaneous sessions, allowing organizations to grow without needing substantial new infrastructure investments.

3. Enhanced compliance, reliability and voice quality

Netaxis ensures that its SBCaaS and SRE solutions comply with the latest regulatory standards, providing a safeguard against potential legal issues. Additionally, with a guaranteed uptime of 99.999%, the platforms offer superior voice quality and reliability, even under varying network conditions.

4. Simplified operations

Netaxis simplifies the management of voice networks by centralizing control and automating key processes. This reduction in complexity minimizes the risk of human error, enhances service quality, and lowers troubleshooting costs, contributing to a more efficient operational framework.

As the telecommunications industry continues to evolve, the demand for reliable and efficient cloud-based communication solutions is set to grow. Netaxis Solutions stands out as a trusted partner for operators and corporations navigating the complexities of cloud migration. Through its SBCaaS and SRE platforms, Netaxis not only simplifies voice traffic management but also enables businesses to focus on their core operations, ensuring compliance and operational efficiency. By addressing the unique challenges of international corporations, Netaxis empowers businesses to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

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