Session Routing Engine

Next-generation routing flexibility for service providers.

Session Routing Engine

Full control of your network

Centralised control of your SBCs and other network elements from the cloud or in your datacentre, with support for a wide range of applications.
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Multiple protocols

Supports IOT, voice, VAS voice and non-voice sessions inside and outside your network.

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Deployment options

Cloud-native SREaaS, Datacentre, or Hybrid availability reduces Capex.

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Global support

Our team of experts can guide you through deployment or fully manage.


SRE simplifies routing challenges

SREaaS makes deployment simple and reduces costs. Intuitive portals make it easy to manage network elements without vendor-specific expertise.
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Virtually unlimited routing possibilities

SRE and SREaaS support a wide range of voice and non-voice session protocols, making it easy to centralise management and take control of your network.

Build services faster

Whether it is a new, repeatable product or a complicated bespoke deployment, SRE and SREaaS speed up deployment time and simplify operational processes.

SRE Powered Network

Fully Programmable
Flexibility 85%
Automated Provisioning
Automation 70%
Onboarding 80%
Central decision point
Service Orchestration 90%

Traditional Network

Manual Provisioning
Long feasibility study and testing
Multiple decisions points across networks
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Multi-vendor support for SBCs and programmable routing

Quickly build new integrations and simplify processes with SBC support for Oracle, Ribbon and Metaswitch. Create new data structures, routing logic and reporting capabilities with internal and external database support and web service integration.

Session Routing Engine as a Service

Simplify routing decisions, SBC management, platform integration and service creation for voice and non-voice sessions.

Server interfaces

Client interfaces


Advanced features




Endless benefits for service providers

Managing network-wide rules and dial plans of multi-cloud, multi-vendor enterprise VoIP & IOT networks can be an extremely complicated and time-consuming activity. SRE is designed to reduce complexity, enabling operators to take full control of their networks.
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Centralised management of voice and non-voice sessions

Speed up service deployment with a “drag and drop” service logic builder. Empower operators to build products faster and more efficiently.
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Multi-vendor support for SBCs and programmable routing

Seamlessly integrate with Oracle, Ribbon, Microsoft (Metaswitch), Audiocodes and other SBCs. Develop custom data structures, routing logic, and reporting capabilities. Integrate with internal and external databases, as well as web services.
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Simplified (IOT) routing decisions and SBC management

Streamline routing decisions, SBC management, (IOT) platform integration, and service creation for voice and non-voice sessions. Automate complex processes such as number portability, service provisioning, 5G implementations, and customer enablement.
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Reduced complexity and simplified operations

Lower expenditure through centralised, accessible control. Streamline operations to build products more quickly and cost-effectively. Mitigate many human errors associated with complex manual operations.
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Accelerated implementation cycles and self-management

Speed up service deployment with a “drag and drop” service logic builder. Empower operators to build products faster and more efficiently.
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Scalable deployments

Platforms should be scalable by design, allowing up to thousands of sessions or calls in parallel. Redundancy is critical in core service provider networks and achievable with SRE.
Want to get started with SRE?

Get in touch with our team and we’ll get you up and running quickly with minimal commitment and no stress.